Cookie policy

This Cookie Policy is to inform you and comply with the French Data protection act and the European General Data Protection Regulation on the protection of personal data relative to the use of cookies made by Cooptalis. It describes how Cooptalis makes use of cookies and for what purpose. It also allows Cooptalis to clarify your rights.
It is applicable through its mere publication on the Cooptalis Website.
The last version presented online herein prevails on all others.



The Cooptalis website makes use of cookies.
Cookies are small pieces of text sent by your web browser by a website you visit. A cookie file is, upon your choosing, stored in your web browser, on your computer, tablet or smartphone, etc. This information is stored for a maximum duration of 13 months, and relates amongst others the pages you visited, the type of browser used for navigation, the duration of your visit …
As soon as you arrive on the Cooptalis website, a banner will notify you of our use of cookies and alert you that by continuing your navigation, you accept the use of cookies on your device.
Cooptalis uses cookies to:

  • improve your navigation on our site;
  • analyse your activity on our site. Cookies allow us to obtain information on traffic type and affluence, and therefor measure performance ;
  • provide buttons that link to our social media pages. If you decide to click on these buttons, these social media sites are also likely to make use of cookies. Cooptalis does not have any control on the cookie policy of other websites you visit.


Cookie Parameters

According to article 32-II of the January 1978 law, modified by ordinance n°2011-1012 of August 24th, 2011, Cooptalis gathers your consent before setting these cookies. You are entitled to make or change at any given time your choices relative to cookies, using the methods listed below.
You can manage cookie storage using your browser settings. These settings are likely to alter your experience when browsing the internet and restrict access to certain features that require cookies.
Suppressing functional cookies, which can be necessary to certain features on the Cooptalis website, can prevent access to certain features or content.


Browser parameters

You can configure your browser to accept cookies be stored on your terminal, or on the contrary, to reject them, either systematically, or depending on the site emitting them. You can also configure your browser so that it requires you to approve or reject cookies each time a site is asking to store one.
How can you make these choices, based on the browser you use?
Each browser provides different settings or menus. The help menu of your browser describes these settings in a way that will allow you to ellect your choices in terms of cookies.
For Internet Explorer™ :
For Safari™ :
For Chrome™ :
For Firefox™ :
For Opera™ :
For more information on cookies and their use, you can consult the website of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) at :